Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mobile Market With Text Messaging Using Yep Text Service


Review of Yep Text

The next big wave in marketing has to be text message marketing. It has been slowly coming upon the marketing community for the last couple of years and is now gaining a lot of popularity. YepText is one of the companies that is blazing a trail in mobile marketing. Often when a company is on the move many question whether or not it's a scam. A company can be here today and gone tomorrow. This doesn't seem to be the case with Yep Text. Want to know more about the company and what it can do for you? Then read this YepText review and find out if you believe it to be a scam or a company that can really help improve your bottom line.

About YepText
YepText was co-founded by Adam Horwitz and Tim Donovan. Adam and Tim along with a group of programmers spent over eight months developing and preparing for the launch of their new company. Reviewing and fine tuning everything. They wanted to develop a simple texting service that helps small business advertise like big business.
The final product was a simple to use and easy to navigate bulk text service. In fact it's so simple and easy that you can be up and running in no time with your new texting campaign. When you join, sit down and take a minute to browse through everything YepText has to offer and see for yourself how easy it will be to start sending mass sms messages.

YepText Pricing

Many of you might be thinking how much does YepText cost? YepText is very affordable and is very competitively priced for a bulk text messaging service as you can see below.

YepText Features

YepText has many great features for you to make your texting campaign simple and effective, bringing your customers back time and time again. These features are easy to use and most can start to help your business from day one.
  • No Contracts to sign
  • Have access to your short code (41242) and Yep Word instantly
  • No Activation or Set Up fees
  • Analytics that show how well your campaign is going
  • Online form to sign up customers from your website
  • Sign up as many customers as you need
  • Unlimited incoming text
  • Organize your contacts in to groups
  • Your Yep Word can be changed at any time
  • Utilize Voting/Polling/Surves on your business, products or anything you want
  • Combine with mobile apps, website(s) or both
  • Secured data with daily back ups
  • Analyze your Text Message Campaign with Charts and Delivery Reports

Why choose Mobile Marketing

Cell phone users read 97% of their messages, this is compared with email marketing at 20%. Running a text message campaign alone could increase your business by 30 or 40 percent. If you decide to run both a text message marketing and an email marketing campaign this in turn would increase brand recognition. After you see what mobile will do for your business you may just want to stick with only running a texting campaign.
There were 5.3 billion mobile subscribers worldwide by the end of 2010. This is a huge market of consumers out there looking for you and when they see that they can use text messaging to connect with your business this is the most laser targeted marketing out there. When these customers receive messages from you they then have the power to pass it on to their friends. This means new customers for you and these people may have never known that your business even existed.


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